2014年3月26日 星期三

小飛俠2:夢不落帝國-Return to Never Land ♪

Return to Never Land

在第一集中登場的小女孩 Wendy ,如今已經長大當媽媽,
有了一個名叫 Jane 的女兒,但在某個夜晚 Jane 卻被海盜頭子 Hook 所綁架,
於是一切的傳奇冒險,又將在夢幻島展開,小飛俠 Peter Pan 在搭檔 Tinker Bell 、
迷途的孩子們的幫忙下,必須再度對上 Hook 船長。
但是後來迪士尼決定關閉多倫多動畫片廠,【小飛俠】的續集 計畫也就停擺了一陣子,後來此續集計畫又起死回生,是交由澳洲雪梨的迪士尼片廠來製作,
2002年春季在美國推出,並且不同於以往的經典動畫續集只發行錄 影帶,

I'll Try

I am not a child now.

I can take care of myself.

I mustn't let them down now-

Mustn't let them see me cry.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I'm to tired to listen.

I'm too old to believe:

All these childish stories.

There is no such thing as faith,

And trust,

And pixie dust.

I try,

But its to hard to believe.

I try,

But I can't see what you see.

I try.

I try.

I try.

My whole world is changing,

I don't know where to turn.

I can't leave you baby,

But I cant stay and watch the sitting burn;

Watch it burn.

'Cause I try,

But its so hard to believe!

I try,

But I can't see where you see.

I try.

I try.

I try and try,

To understand,

The distance in between:

The love I feel,

The things i fear,

I dearly say good dream.

I can finally see it.

Now I have to believe:

All those precious stories.

All the world is made of faith,

And trust,

And pixie dust.

So I'll try,

'Cause I finally believe!

I'll try,

'Cause I see where you see!

I'll try.

I'll try!

I'll try!

I'll try-

To fly.


