2014年3月27日 星期四

愛麗絲夢遊仙境-Alice in Wonderland ♪

愛麗絲夢遊仙境-Alice in Wonderland


本故事敘述一位小女孩 Alice 做夢到一處神奇的王國,經歷一堆千奇百怪的遭遇,包括趕時間的白兔、會隱身的妙妙貓、奇怪的非生日宴會、撲克牌紅心女王…等等。華特迪士尼一直很喜歡 Lewis Carroll 的這部作品,早在1920年代,迪士尼開始拍片的處女作即是一系列真人、卡通合演的【愛麗絲遊歷卡通國】,當時只是無聲、黑白的短片而已。後來迪士尼拍出 有聲卡通、彩色卡通、長篇動畫之後,原本在大戰前就已有籌拍本片的計畫,後來因戰爭爆發而計畫停擺,到戰後才終於將這部小說以長篇劇情動畫片呈現。不過本 片推出時正值戰後經濟困頓的時局,當時文化主流盛行寫實主義,故本片超現實的手法在當時並未引起太大的迴響,也不被影評所青睞,到了60、70年代以後, 隨著心理學的流行,本片才受到重視。(資料來源:http://disney.lovesakura.com/Text/c13.htm)

In a World of My Own
Would reside in fancy little houses

And be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers

In a world of my own

All the flowers

Would have very extra special powers

They would sit and talk to me for hours

When I'm lonely in a world of my own

There'd be new birds

Lots of nice and friendly howdy-do birds

Everyone would have a dozen bluebirds

Within that world of my own

I could listen to a babbling brook

And hear a song that I could understand

I keep wishing it could be that way

