公主與青蛙-The Princess and the Frog
這首女主角獨唱的"Almost There"也充滿了爵士曲風。
演唱:Anika Noni Rose
ohoh... 噢噢...
I don't have time for dancing 我可沒時間跳舞
That's just gonna have to wait a while 那種事恐怕得等一等
Ain't got time for messing around 沒有時間能夠虛晃
And it's not my style 那不是我的風格
This old town can slow you down 這座老舊小鎮會使人怠惰
People taking the easy way 人們總尋求捷徑
But I know exactly where I'm going 但我知道我的目標
Getting closer and closer every day 一天一天的接近了
And I'm almost there, I'm almost there 而我已近在咫尺 我已近在咫尺
People down here think I'm crazy, but I don't care 這兒的人們覺得我瘋了 但我不在乎
Trials and tribulations I've had my share 嚐盡一切 磨練與考驗
There ain't nothing gonna stop me now cause I'm almost there
如今沒任何事能阻止我 因我已近在咫尺
I remember Daddy told me: Fairytales can come true
You gotta make 'em happen, it all depends on you"
妳得自己讓它發生 一切取決於妳
So I work real hard each and every day 因此我每天辛勤的工作
Now things for sure are going my way 如今一切照著我的計畫進行
Just doing what I do 只管繼續幹活
Look out boys, I'm coming through 注意了男士們 我就要登場
And I'm almost there, I'm almost there 而我已近在咫尺 我已近在咫尺
People gonna come here from everywhere 人們將從四面八方前來
And I'm almost there 而我已近在咫尺
I'm almost there 已近在咫尺
There's been trials and tribulations 曾經歷所有磨練與考驗
You know I've had my share 妳明白我嚐盡一切
But I've climbed the mountain, I've crossed the river 但我越過山巒 橫越急流
And I'm almost there, I'm almost there 而我已近在咫尺 我已近在咫尺
I'm almost there! 我已近在咫尺!