The Nightmare Before Christmas
- 萬聖城是一個充滿恐怖氣氛的地方,
- 這裡的住民都已嚇人為樂,而居住在萬聖城世界的首腦人物傑克,
- 對於萬聖城在每年萬聖節一成不變的慶祝模式已經感到有些無聊,
- 決心想要為這一成不變的慶祝方式做些改變。
- 而在一次偶然的機會中,傑克無意間走到了森林的另一端,
- 發現了他從未見過的歡樂城鎮聖誕城,這個充滿奇風異俗,
- 且和萬聖城風格大相 逕庭的美麗城鎮讓他大感驚訝。
- 於是傑克便開始召集動員所有萬聖城的人,
- 決定仿照聖誕城的模式創造一個屬於萬聖城的聖誕節,
- 而他自己則扮演聖誕老公公的角 色。
- 結果他們準備了蝙蝠、蜘蛛和人頭來當禮物,
- 還做了八隻骷髏麋鹿駕駛的雪橇車,要將禮物分贈各地,
- 並將將聖誕老公公綁架到萬聖城,好取代他的位子。
- 但傑克並不知道,他的舉動引發了嚴重的後果,
- 而他的禮物也完全破壞了聖誕節的氣氛,而更要命的是,
- 世界上最邪惡的魔鬼巫奇先生竟然計劃著要毀滅聖誕老公公。
Jack's Lament
There are few who deny
at what I do I am the best
For my talents are renowed far and wide
When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night
I excel without ever even trying
With the slightest little effort of my ghostlike charms
I have see grown men give out a shriek
With a wave of my hand and a well-placed moan
I have swept the very bravest off their feet
Yet year after year, it's the same routine
And I grow so weary of the sound of screams
And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King
Have grown so tired of the same old thing
Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
There's something out there, far from my home
A longing that I've never known
I'm a master of fright and a demon of light
And I'll scare you right out of your pants
To a guy in Kentucky, I'm Mister Unlucky
And I'm known throughout England and France
And since I am dead, I can take off my head
To recite Shakespearean quotations
No animal nor man can scream like I can
With the fury of my recitations
But who here would ever understand
That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin
Would tire of his crown, if they only understood
He'd give it all up if he only could
Oh, there's an empty place in my bones
That calls out for something unknown
The fame and praise come year after year
Does nothing for these empty tears