美女與野獸:貝兒的心願-Beauty and the Beast:The Enchanted Christmas ♪
Beauty and the Beast:
The Enchanted Christmas
敘述美女 Belle 回憶起當初到城堡當囚犯時的第一個聖誕節,
Belle 喚醒了城堡失去已久的歡愉感覺,使得城堡裡重新享受聖誕節慶的溫馨,
Belle 與野獸才彼此相知的情形。本片除了有電影原班人馬演出之外,
還多了三個新的角色,包括名叫 Angelique 的聖誕樹飾品天使娃娃、
還有陰險的管風琴 Forte ,以及他的跟班小鼓笛 Fife ,
貝兒必須克服管風琴 Forte 的從中作梗,才能完成心願讓野獸重享聖誕節的歡欣。
(資料來源: http://disney.lovesakura.com/Text/tec.htm)
As Long As There's Christmas
Belle: There is more to this time of year Than sleigh bells and holly Mistletoe and snow Those things come and go Much deeper than snow Stronger than the strongest love we'll know We'll ever know
As long as there's Christmas I truly believe That hope is the greatest of the gifts we'll recieve As long as there's Christmas we'll all be just fine A star shines above us lighting your Way and mine
Cogsworth: Just as long as there's Christmas There will be Christmas pud Tons of turkey...
Mrs. Potts: And cranb'ry sauce And mince pies if we're good
Lumiere: Loads of logs on the fire
The Ornaments: Lots of gifts on the tree All wrapped up in red ribbons...
Chip: Wonder if there's one for me
Cogsworth: We are due for a party Where on earth do we start?
Fi-Fi: I may wear my tiara You bought me in Monmartre
Cogsworth: All the silver will sparkle
Mrs. Potts: And the china will gleam
Lumiere: And we'll all be as shiny As a brand-new centime
Chip: After dinner we'll play games
Mrs. Potts: 'Till the morning breaks through
Lumiere: Then we'll meet in the garden This is what we shall do
Chip: We will build us a snowman That will reach up to the sky
Belle: It will stay up until July
Belle/Chorus: As long as there's Christmas I truly believe That hope is the greatest of the gifts we'll recieve
Chorus: As long as our guiding star shines above
Belle: As long as there's Christmas we'll all be just fine
Belle/Chorus: There'll always be Christmas
Belle: So there always will be a time When the world is filled with peace and love.